These are the three winning stocking from the challenge. They are wonderful. In fact they were all wonderful. Thanks to everyone that took part. We will be doing another challenge at sometime but I don't know what yet. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Please come in and pick up your stocking when you get a chance.
The new issues of Vogue and Knitters and also knitscene are now in. So lots to look at.
Here is a photo of the January Sock of the Month. Hope you like it, it is my own design. If you are interested in joining us each month or even in doing one of them please give me a call or e-mail. I am happy to mail them out. January is done in Berroco Ultra Alpaca fine and has a band heel which was new to me. It is always good to try something different, you never know what you will like.
Take care and Happy Knitting