I am writing today to introduce my new assistant here at the Purple Sock! Her name is Lucinda, and while she is very shy and quiet, she is doing a great job of showcasing the gorgeous samples of finished pieces we have here in the shop.
Her sweater is knit from our "March Madness" special, Berroco's Ultra Alpaca..this luscious yarn is 50% Super Fine Alpaca and 50% Peruvian wool. It comes in three weights including Ultra Alpaca , Ultra Alpaca Light and Ultra Alpaca Fine, and all three weights are on sale in March for 15% off the regular price! In addition, we have some wonderful pattern books for this yarn, including Lucinda's stunning green sweater which she is wearing here for her debut!
Lucinda is going to be quite the clothes horse I think, she is already thinking of changing sweaters to the lovely teal one I knit from the Ultra Alpaca and Ultra Alpaca fine and while she just adores the lovely beret she is wearing, I saw her eyeing a pretty blue one which is here in the shop as well. It's a good thing I knit a lot and can keep her in the stylish knit items I think she is going to want.
So, please drop in to meet Lucinda and to check out the "March Madness" special on the Berroco Ultra Alpaca....see you soon!
Happy Knitting!