Hi Everyone
Hard to believe it is fall already, but it is a great time to starting knitting a new project. I have lots of classes planned so hope you find something of interest.
I will also be starting a new knit along(more info to follow) Also The Sock of
the Month will be starting the beginning
of Oct. (more info to follow on this also)There are lots of new yarns coming in
this fall, I will keep you updated on this.
Happy Knitting
HOOKINGInstructor: Gayle Gunby
Come and learn a craft that is indigenous to North America. It is
very portable and with only one stitch to master, it is very easy to produce
a charming piece of artwork. You do not have to be an artist to participate.
Join us to learn the basics of rug hooking. We will talk about it's history;
how to transfer a pattern, choose colours and how to finish a rug.
Fee $40.00 & HST
Materials are extra. You will
need to purchase the rug hooking kit on the first day at $40.00 plus HST
You will also need a hook and hoop, which are available
for sale at the store. Hooks $10.00
Hoops $22.00
2 week course
Saturday Nov. 5th 10 till 2pm
Saturday Nov 19th from 10 till 2 pm.
Please bring your lunch Tea will be provided.
What is this you ask? Your knitting turns out just the same. This is
another method of holding the yarn.
The yarn is tensioned around your neck or with the use a knitting pin.
Fee: $20 .00 & HST
Wed. Oct 19th from 7:00Pm till 9:00PM
Fee includes a knitting pin.
Please bring practice yarn and needles.Medium weight is best to start with.
Straight or circular needles will both work fine, depending on what
you like to use.
BASIC SOCK KNITTINGInstructor: Lynn Stitchman
Basic knitting knowledge required you need to know how to cast on,
cast off, knit and purl. You will learn to use double pointed
needles and all it takes to knit a pair of socks.
Fee $50.00 & HST Includes yarn and pattern.
You will need size 3.75mm double pointed needles.
3 week course starting
Thurs Oct 13, Oct 20th and Oct 27th
7 pm till 9 pm
Amethyst Garden ShawlInstructor: Kathleen Fitzgerald
This class will introduce the basics of lace knitting including: finding your
lace gauge: making sense of charts: reading your knitting: making friends with
stitch markers: basic short-row shaping: adding beads to your knitting, finishing
and proper blocking methods.
Fee: $40.00 & HST which includes the
Materials list provided on registion there will be a little pre work required
for this class
3 week class starting
Sept. 28th, Oct 5th, and Oct 12th. 7 till 9pm
PIECE.This is a great project to learn how to knit top down with no
seaming. Basic knitting skills required, knit, purl, cast on
and cast off all the rest you will learn. This little baby cardigan can be
knit in 3 different sizes 3-6 month,6-12 months, or 2 year. . Come out
and give it a try.
Fee; $45.00 which includes the pattern.
You will need needles and yarn, which can be purchased
here. Size 3.75mm circular and 3.75mm double pointed. Double
knitting yarn is what we will be using and I have several different ones
to choose from.
3 week class starting Nov. 10th.
Nov. 17th and Nov 24th 7 till 9 pm
BEGINNER KNITTINGInstructor: Lynn Stitchman
Learn the basics, cast on, cast off,knit and purl. Make a scarf.
Fee $50.00 & GST Includes yarn and
Size 5.5 or 6mm needles needed.
3 week course starting
Thurs. Sept 15th, Sept 22nd, and Sept29th 7pm till 9pm
Knit a Peggy Sue dollInstructor; Lynn Stitchman
These whimsical dolls let your inner self out to play. They are so much
fun to create.Basic knitting skills required, the
rest will be taught.The class includes all the material
you just need to add the love.A fun and creative time.
You will need 4mm straight needles,3mm double points and 9mm double
points. Some of these will be available to use during the class if you don't have
Fee: $50.00 & HST
Nov. 2nd, Nov. 9th and Nov 16th.
7 pm till 9pm.
About Kathleen FitzgeraldKathleen has been knitting since she earned her badge at Brownies. About 3 years ago, she was bit by the lace knitting "bug" and quickly
became addicted. So far, Kathleen has knit over 25 different shawls, including 12 shawls for the Ravelry "10 shawls in 2010" challenge, and her
project list just keeps on growing.
About Gayle Gunby
Gayle was raised for most of her childhood in the village of Coldwater,
however her Father's job with the C. P. R. took her and her sibling all
over Ontario. She returned to the village as their Kindergarten
teacher in 1970 and here she remains. Gayle has embraced most crafts
and became a certified Mayco ceramic teacher in 1980. Gayle is a self taught
rug hooker and one of her pieces is on permanent display in the Black
History and Cultural Museum in Collingwood. Pieces of her primitive
style handiwork can be found in homes all over Ontario as well as
Vancouver. Her inspiration comes from family...those here now and those who
have "passed over".
About Lynn StitchmanLynn is the owner of The Purple Sock which opened for business in May of
2007. I have always knit for as long as I can remember and have been spinning
my own yarns for the last 15 years. I have tried many other fibre art forms over the
years but always come back to the knitting and spinning. I am very interested in
natural fibers and making knitting an enjoyable pass time for anyone that
would like to give it a try. I have always been interested in tea, trying new
kinds, learning more about them and where they come from.