You guys are amazing!! we have handed over 254 , yes I said 254 Izzy dolls to the Nursing progam at Georgian College.
Here are a couple of snaps of the Izzy Dolls that you all made. Aren't they amazing!!!
For anyone that didn' know , they are going with the nursing students from Georgian College in Barrie, Ontario as they travel to the Dominican Republic. there the nursing studends will be handing them out to children as they do basic nursing care.
I can just see the little hands which will be clutching these precious little dollies from Canada, holding them close and sleeping with them and just loving them to bits!!
A big thanks you to everyone that helped make the dolls, We had such a great reponse. Some ladies made dozens of them!!! And this just started about 4-5 weeks ago....knitters are such great people so generous and giving. ( Google "Izzy Dolls" to see the story of how they got their names, very poignant.)
I will be sending out another e-mail soon about about charity knitting project so hope you are not all knitted out.
Again thanks so much for all you help without all of you this would not have been possible.
take care and happy knitting
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