Friday, June 22, 2012

Now a Ravelry Group!!

The Purple Sock now has it's own group on Ravelry!! Thanks to Carolyn for setting this up for me.
I have wanted to do this for quite awhile but there just is not enough time to do everything.
Please go and sign up and join us in this new adventure. What a great place to ask questions , find out about new yarn and show off your wonderful projects. We are still working on the banner and badge , a few kinks to work out. Here is the link go take a look and add your name to the group!!

On another note thanks to everyone that knit and handed in a Dead Fish Hat , they are wonderful.
Sorry I have not got them in the window yet, am hoping to get them there soon, I will also post photos of them all here on the blog so those of you that can't get to the store to see them in person and take a look and e-mail me your vote for your favourite.

take care stay cool and Happy Knitting



  1. Wow Lynn! The Purple Sock is going gang-busters! A retreat, a Ravelry page, a website, what's next? A franchise??LOL!
    It just keeps getting better and better if that is possible! I have heard of the "Red Hat" ladies, but I am a "Purple Sock" lady...

  2. Oh I love it! I'm a Purple Sock lady too! :)
