Thursday, January 16, 2020

 Small change to my hours and

A New & Different "Sock of

Month"Club for 2020 !! 


Hello everyone and Welcome to a New Decade at The Purple Sock!

   You all know that we have had "Sock of the Month" Clubs here for several years now, but THIS is something different and I am really looking forward to it!

The "Grocery Girls" have been running what they call "Sock Bash"....  with a monthly draw and a theme for each month. So if you knit a pair of socks you can enter their draw and if you do it according to their theme you get a second entry in the draw.

So my thought is that we meet once a month to talk about the next months theme, and I will suggest some patterns that will work for it and maybe a yarn or two. You are welcome to use any sock yarn that you already own, or of course buy it from me.

So each month if you complete and post your socks by the last day of the month you can enter their draw and I will also have one on my Ravelry group .

The rules are quite simple....sock weight yarn, adult socks with at least a 6" leg OR 2 pair of ankle socks. For your entry on my site....if you finish your socks you can enter once and if you use yarn you bought from me either now, or in the past you can post it twice for a second entry into the draw.
On their Ravelry group,  you can enter once for completing a pair of socks, and a second entry if you do it according to their theme.

At this point I don't know what the themes are for the rest of the year, but I am hoping they will be posting them soon. Really hope they will be posted before we met LOL!!
Otherwise we might change the date for our first meeting.
The theme for January is  Mosaic knitting , and  they do give a couple of examples of it on their group.

We will not be working on this one together  but you are certainly free to go ahead and knit them and enter them on their group, just remember they have to be posted by the end of January.  You still have 1/2 a month to get them done. I am hoping to make a pair of these ones
There are lots of other patterns you could use also!!
Here is a link to their group on Ravelry which might help to explain it all a bit better!!

Here is a link to the themes they used last year to give you an idea of the kiind of things it might be.

    So shoot me an email and let me know if you are in for this once a month get-together...we will meet each month on the 4th Wednesday ,so this month it will be Wednesday, January 22nd, from 6:30-8:30 PM to discuss patterns and get ready for the February sock..see you soon!

Just think if we manage to keep up we will have 12 pairs of socks by the end of the year to either gift or wear ourselves!!

Happy Knitting,

OOPS, One more thing I forgot to mention! After some serious consideration, I have decided to cut back the hours (just a wee bit!), but of course, if you are headed to the shop and are "almost" here, just call me and I will wait for you! Thanks for your understanding!

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